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Prevent moisture problems with a Wood’s dehumidifier.


Wood’s has everything you need for a better indoor climate, from reliable and efficient air dehumidifiers to quiet and energy-efficient air purifiers. Maybe you need to dehumidify your crawl space or basement, dry your laundry or do you simply want to breathe cleaner and healthier air? Welcome to Wood’s!
Register your product for extended warranty at http://www.woods-china.cn/chanpinzhuce/
We would like to offer you 6-years extended warranty. All you need to do is register your dehumidifier and make regular filter changes.On models that do not include filter change, you get up to 3 years warranty when registering.

Wood’s – For clean and healty indoor air


We believe that everyone has the right to breathe air as pure as nature intended. Our passion for clean air is the foundation of Wood’s and its ongoing development. After 65 years, Wood’s is still carefully designed and reliable with high capacity at the lowest possible energy consumption which makes Wood’s products unique. Today we produce in Sweden, where technological innovation is a must.

Remove bad air and get a clean indoor air with Wood’s air purifier.


Do you want clean indoor air? Clean your indoor air with a Wood’s air purifier. Discreet and effective air purifier that filters out 99.98% of harmful particles.  These air purifiers will change your view of clean indoor air, try it and breathe the difference!

Words about Wood’s

"I admire my dehumidifier, this is the third dehumidifier I bought from Wood's brand. The second dehumidifier I bought in 1990 lasted for almost a few summers and winters until December 28, 2013. I hope that my newly purchased dehumidifier will last for at least that long. As you know, I am very cautious about managing me. I suggest that you choose Wood's products. !"